Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Corey is a recent addition to the Castle Hills Mortgage Team. Corey has unique credentials that qualify him as an excellent selection for any homebuyer’s needs. Corey is a commercial airline pilot with the inherent ability to execute tasks for the best interest of his clients. His flexible schedule allows for dedicated time to focus on any personal details or needs that may arise. Corey is based in Utah but resides in Southeast Idaho with his wife and two sons. He understands that now more than ever, the Pacific Northwest is not only home to some treasured outdoors, but a great space for people to put down roots. Corey is eager to help others ready to make the financial leap to ownership (whether it be land, home, estate, or ranch).
On behalf of Castle Hills, please feel free to contact Corey directly with any questions on how to embark on mortgage loans that might suit you best.